Board Review: It's all about the little people!
A 1 week old male born at full term presents to the ED with difficulty breathing and a weak cry. Mom also notes that he appears “sweaty” during feeds today and has had fewer wet diapers. History is significant for scant prenatal care however delivery was uncomplicated. On exam he is cyanotic with oxygen saturation 70% on 5L NC O2. Vital signs are as follows: T 36C, HR 180, RR 65, BP 60/30. Which should you order first?
Board Review: It's all about the little people!
A 4-year-old male presents with his mother after she notices a rash on his face when he returns from day care. Rash is pictured as below:
Board Review: Revive Me!
A 48-year-old man presents to the Emergency Department by ambulance after patient was found to be unresponsive in his care. According to the paramedics, patient is found to be in the rhythm as below: