Back to Basics: Diplopia Pearls
Diplopia or "double vision" is not an uncommon visual complaint n the ED. The differential ranges from the benign to badness. Read on below for a few pearls regarding diplopia.
Back to Basics: Slit Lamp Review
Your go-to visual guide to using the Slit Lamp in the ED
Back to Basics: Red Eye Algorithm
Here's your roadmap for working through the differential diagnosis of a red eye.
Back to Basics: Approach to Atrial Fibrillation w RVR
Here is your quick guide to rate and rhythm control of atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response.
Back to Basics: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Abnormal uterine bleeding? Remember PAL-COEIN.
Back to Basics: Ketamine for Pain Management
Ketamine is a swiss army knife of drugs. Read on for use in pain management.
Back to Basics: Hyperkalemia Management
Remember, when you see a big K+, “C BIG K”! (+ a few others…)
Back to Basics: Itching Rash
A man presents to your ED complaining of an itchy rash on his foot. He recently came back from a vacation in Jamaica where he spent a lot of time walking on the beach. No systemic symptoms. No allergies. Not toxic appearing. No other medical problems. What's the diagnosis? It may make your skin crawl....
Back to Basics: Heat Emergencies
Summer and the hot weather isn't over just yet! Read on for the common heat emergencies that you may still be seeing in your ED.