Advanced Practice: High Dose Insulin Therapy
You want me to give the patient 90 units of insulin followed by 45 units/hour?! What?! Here is some helpful information about high dose insulin.
You want me to give the patient 90 units of insulin followed by 45 units/hour?! What?! Here is some helpful information about high dose insulin.
Having trouble identifying if your dyspneic patient is having a COPD or CHF exacerbation? Take a look at this ultrasound video for help!
Curious just how fast that fluid is flowing? Click to learn more about catheter flow rates.
Acute compartment syndrome is a surgical emergency. Measurements of compartment pressures are an important adjunct to making the diagnosis. Check out this post for a video demonstration on how to operate the Stryker Device
Oral steroids are a mainstay of treatment for severe posion ivy induced contact dermatitis. The doses, duration of therapy, and taper/nontaper debate has raged for decades: read on a for quick summary of a paper comparing a short steroid burst to a 15 day taper!
You are caring for a 2 yo with multifocal pneumonia who is hypoxic on standard nasal canula. You decide to institute high flow nasal canula (HFNC) in an effort to stave off orotracheal intubation. Your repspiratory therapist requests parameters including flow rate (typically 0-40 LPM). What is the optimal flow rate to decrease work of breathing in this pediatric patient?
A 58 yo patient with a hx of CLL presents with a chief complaint of dyspnea, wheezing, and cough for 3 days. He is noted to be tachypneic with o2 sats of 91% on RA. There is diffuse expiratory wheezing. Peripheral WBC count is 199,000, increased from a baseline of ~80,000. A CT scan shows scattered interstital infiltrates. What is going on with this patient and what is the indicated therapy?
A 31 y.o. female presents to your ED with a wrist lesion. You believe it is a ganglion cyst but are unsure of management. Here are some pearls to properly advise your patient.
Confused about appropriate analgesia in cirrhotic patients? Here are some pearls for pain control!
A 38 y.o male presents with complaint of extremity pain. During your examination and differential, you become concerned for necrotizing fasciitis. Here are some clinical pearls!
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