What's the diagnosis? By Dr. Abby Renko
A 30 yo female G5P3013 at 7 weeks presents wiht abdominal pain
A 30 yo female G5P3013 at 7 weeks presents wiht abdominal pain
A 27 yo F presents to the ED with severe RLQ abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding.
A 66 yo M w/ history of prior duodenal perforation s/p numerous graham patch repairs and prior endovascular aortic repair presents to the ED w/ altered mental status and hypotension w/ a SBP in 60s. He is emergently intubated. RUSH exam is done and free fluid is noted in the abdomen. His post-intubation CXR is shown below. What's the diagnosis? (scroll down for answer)
A 57 year old male slipped and fell on ice and presents with wrist pain
A 61 yo F presents to the ED with neck pain after a fall down 15 steps.
A 2 yo male presents refusing to bear weight on his right leg. There is no known trauma. Parents report he is very active and playful with older siblings. He has focal tenderness over the distal tibia. No fever and no pain with range of motion at the hip. What's the diagnosis?
A 27 yo M with a PMHx of osteosarcoma s/p R hip disarticulation and numerous lung metastases s/p L upper lobe wedge resection (1 year prior) presents to ED with DOE and "abnormal findings on outpatient CT scan." On ED arrival he is tachycardic w/ HR 135, RR is 18 and SpO2 is 93% on RA. On exam he has diminished but present breath sounds bilaterally. A CXR is obtained and shown below. What's the diagnosis? (scroll down for answer)
A 41 yo F presents to the ED with R ankle pain after a fall while playing outside in the snow.
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