
What's the Diagnosis? By Dr. Karen O'Brien

A 66 yo M w/ history of prior duodenal perforation s/p numerous graham patch repairs and prior endovascular aortic repair presents to the ED w/ altered mental status and hypotension w/ a SBP in 60s. He is emergently intubated. RUSH exam is done and free fluid is noted in the abdomen. His post-intubation CXR is shown below. What's the diagnosis? (scroll down for answer)






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What's the Diagnosis? By Dr. Eric Chavis

A 27 yo M with a PMHx of osteosarcoma s/p R hip disarticulation and numerous lung metastases s/p L upper lobe wedge resection (1 year prior) presents to ED with DOE and "abnormal findings on outpatient CT scan." On ED arrival he is tachycardic w/ HR 135, RR is 18 and SpO2 is 93% on RA. On exam he has diminished but present breath sounds bilaterally. A CXR is obtained and shown below. What's the diagnosis? (scroll down for answer) 




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