What's the diagnosis? By Dr. Becca Fieles
A 65 yo male presents with abdominal pain
A 65 yo male presents with abdominal pain
A 40 yo M presents to the ED with R wrist pain. Onset was just before arrival when he was lifting at work, "felt a pop" and had sudden onset of pain. Exam reveals swelling and tenderness of the R wrist. Neurovascular exam is normal. A R wrist xray is done and shown below. What's the diagnosis? (scroll down for answer)
Answer: Scapholunate Dissociation
A 55 yo male presents with left knee pain
A 79 yo M w/ past medical history of HTN and DM presents with a 3 day history of lower back pain.
A 70 male presents after MVC
A 31 yo male presents with left thumb pain after a dirt bike crash.
A 53 yo male presents with right hand pain
A 17 yo F with no PMHx presents to Urgent Care w/ L sided chest pain. Pain sharp, radiates to L upper back, has been intermittent x 1 month, worse x last 2-3 days. No exacerbating or relieving factors. She denies fever/chills, cough/URI sx, LE pain/edema. No prior hx of DVT, no OCPs. On exam, she is anxious appearing. She is tachycardic to the 120s with normal heart sounds. Spo2 is 100% and breath sounds are diminished on the left. A CXR is done and shown below. What's the diagnosis?(scroll down for answer)
A 16 month old brought in for wheeze and cough
A 44 yo M presents to the ED w/ L foot and ankle pain. He was running and stepped into a hole, stating he heard a "crack". He has been unable to bear weight since the injury. On exam, he has swelling and marked bony tenderness of both the lateral and medial malleoli and heel. Xrays of the L foot were obtained. What's the diagnosis? (scroll down for answer)
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