
Critical Cases - Severely agitated DKA patient!

A 23 yo male with a hx of insulin dependent diabetes and recurrent admissions for DKA presents to the ED with complaints of diffuse body aches. He is acutely ill appearing, agitated, and combative with staff, demanding pain medication, entering other patients rooms, and screaming. Realizing that this patient is severely ill, you wonder how you will de-escalate or sedate this patient safely to enable life-saving care to be rendered.....

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Advanced Practice - Calcific Tendonitis Can Mimic Septic Arthritis!

A 63 yo male presents complaining of severe pain to the right shoulder. He has markedly restricted range of motion in the shoulder, without any overlying erythema, edema, or warmth. You take a cursory glance at the xray as you gather supplies to perform an arthrocentesis for suspected septic arthritis...

Category (Day): 

Critical Cases - Thyroid Myopathy!

A 36 year old male presents with complaints of swelling his his hands and forearms, as well as severe fatigue and muscle aches. He is in no distress and vital signs are unremarkable. "Time to put on my internal medicine cap!" you think as you sit down to take your history and puzzle out the differential diagnosis.....

Category (Day): 

Critical Cases - Saddle Pulmonary Embolism!

A 68 year old male presents with ALS for near syncope at home. ALS reports they found the patient diaphoretic, complaining of generalized weakness and inability to stand which began acutely an hour ago. His blood pressure on scene was 60/palp, which improved to 100 systolic with a 500 ml IVF bolus. "Shock eh?" you think as you approach the room. "Better bring the ultrasound...."

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