A Week in Review March 5th - 10th
Monday: Back to Basics - Globe Rupture
This is an ocular emergency, following blunt or penetrating trauma
Look for teardrop shaped pupil or posivtive Seidel test
Tx: HOB elvated, Broad Spect Abx, update tetanus
Tuesday: Advanced Practice - Balance Electrolyte Solution vs Normal Saline in Critically Ill
Quick review of the recent publication in NEJM on 0.9% NS vs LR
Cluster RCT with 15,802 patients spread across 5 ICUs at Vanderbilt
No single primary outcome showed signifcance. There was signficance in a composite outcome
Wednesday: What's the Diagnosis
Thursday: #emconf - Thyroid Storm
Treatment: Start with propranolol to HR 90-100
Then add Thionamides (PTU), finally 1 hr after that consider Iodide
Friday: Critical Care - Awake Intubation
Here is a quick primer on the steps to prepare for an awake intubation.
Although it can be much safer, it takes a lot longer, and you need to be ready ahead of time.
Saturday: Board Review - Pediatrics
On No! a crying, sick 6 week old child
What to do?