Back to Basics: Bronchiolitis
Mon, 02/05/2018 - 12:03am
Micro: RSV most common cause, highly contagious via respiratory droplets.
Affects children < 2 years old → if wheezing and >2 years old may be reactive airway disease or other conditions that mimic wheezing and bronchiolitis.
1 to 2 days of URI symptoms followed by increased WOB, tachypnea, hypoxia on days 3 to 5 of illness → give good reassurance and return to ER precautions if suspect early.
Minute to minute variation of comfortable breathing to respiratory distress
Evaluation → this is a clinical diagnosis
CXR only if diagnosis uncertain or suspect co-infection or patient critically ill.
Respiratory panel → truly helpful to determine if RSV+ if high risk for apnea.
Saline and Nasal suction as children under 2 years are obligate nose breathers.
Hydration, anti-pyretics
Use WARM score to determine if trial of Albuterol is appropriate
If child is sicker, may need high flow nasal cannula (HFNC or vapotherm) or NIPPV and admission
Steroids and antibiotics have no role
Hypertonic saline without benefit in ED but may have benefit in admitted patients
Epinephrine likely with transient effects at best → leads to faster ED discharge rates
Discharge if full-term (48 week post conception) + healthy (no cardiac, pulmonary, neuromuscular or metabolic disease) who is euvolemic + not hypoxic + no evidence of increased work of breathing (retractions, tachypnea).
If < 12 weeks and RSV+ have low threshold to admit as have apnea risk.
Discharge Instructions:
Suction and saline and cool mist humidifier.
Slower feeds → decreased volume, increase frequency of meals
Elevate head of crib
No daycare until afebrile.
Return to ER for:
Increased work of breathing → show parents a video.
Persistent fever, dehydration or poor feeding
Meissner HC. Viral Bronchiolitis in Children. N Engl J Med. 2016 Jan 7;374(1):62-72.