Back-to-Basics: Drowning
Mon, 08/24/2020 - 5:00am
Valeria Wu, MD
Drowning = submersion in liquid respiratory distress or failure
Aspiration & asphyxia
- wash out surfactant affecting gas transfer VQ mismatch, hypoxia, atelectasis
Physical exam may show:
- Lungs: rales, rhonchi, wheezes
- Mental status changes
- Hypothermia (even in warm water!)
- ABCs!
- Temperature, treat hypothermia (especially with cardiac arrest)
- Evaluate for traumatic injuries
- Don’t forget: what caused them to drown in the first place? (ie Hypoglycemia, MI, seizure, syncope, dysrhythmia, trauma)
- Adjunctive lab work / imaging
- Rita K. Cydulka, David M. Cline, O. John Ma, Michael T. Fitch, Scott Joing, Vincent J. Wang: Tintinall’s Emergency Medicine Manual, 8th Edition.
- Walker, Richard A. "Near Drowning." Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine Manual, 8e Eds. Rita K. Cydulka, et al. McGraw-Hill, 2017