
  • Burns are categorized by their size and depth
    • Superficial: dry and red; blanches with pressure
    • Superficial partial-thickness: blister and cause pain; exposed dermis is red and moist with intact capillary refill
    • Deep partial-thickness: white to yellow in color; two-point discrimination is diminshed; capillary refill and pain sensation are absent
    • Full-thickness: charred, pale, leathery and painless; do not heal spontaneously; surgical repair and skin grafting is needed
  • Burn size is calculated as the percentage of total BSA involved
    • Use the Rule of Nines to estimate perscentage of burn for adults
    • Use the Lund and Browder diagram to estimate percetage of pediatric burn
    • For smaller burns, the patient's palm (do not inlcude fingers or wrist) can be used as a "ruler" and represents approximately 1% of the patient's BSA