Burns, part 2
- Circulatory or ventilatory compromise
- Circumferential burns of extremities, neck/chest → may require fasciotomy
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Infection
- Renal failure
Inhalation injury
- consider if facial burns, singed nasal hairs, soot in nose or mouth, hoarseness, wheezing, full thickness face or peri-oral burns, circumferential neck burns, respiratory distress, altered mental status
- Can look for supraglottic edema on NPL or bronchoscopy if unsure
- Early intubation if suspected
Carbon monoxide exposure
- Order carboxyhemoglobin level, place on NRB while awaiting results
- Consult hyperbarics if carboxyhemoglobin >25% (>15% if pregnant), associated neurologic symptoms or myocardial ischemia
Cyanide toxicity
- can occur from combustion of nitrogen-containing polymers such as wool, silk, plastic (furniture)
- Suspect if lactate >10 (can also see elevated lactate in CO poisoning however)
- no rapid direct test for level
- Classically bitter almond smell and can cause cherry red skin - rarely seen clinically
- Treatment:
- Hydroxycobalamin - note red and will interfere with lab interpretation
- Sodium or amyl nitrite followed by sodium thiosulfate
Concomitant traumatic injuries - complete full trauma primary and secondary surveys
Guthrie, A. Minor Burn Management. Life in the Fastlane. https://litfl.com/
Tintinalli, Judith E. Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 8th Edition. Ch 204, 216, 222.
Tolles, Juliana. “Emergency Department Management of Patients with Thermal Burns.” Emergency medicine practice (Online) : an evidence-based approach to emergency medicine. 20.2 (2018): 1–24. Print.
Volino, A. An Interesting Case of Smoke Inhalation. EM Daily. https://emdaily.cooperhealth.org/content/interesting-case-smoke-inhalation