Critical Cases - Acetaminophen Induced Methemoglobinemia!
Tue, 10/12/2021 - 2:21am
- 32 year old male p/w possible medication overdose
- Pt reports 3-4 days taking 6g of acetaminophen daily for dental pain
- Pt c/o some abdominal cramping with nausea/vomiting
- hypertension
Physical Exam
T: 100.6 HR 80 BP 140/90 Pox 86% on RA and 86% on 4L nasal canula
- General: appears comfortable in no distress
- Lactate 2.2
- ALT 9332 AST 9330 Tbili 9.2
- PT 17.5 INR 1.5
- Hepatitis panel negative
- COVID Ag/PCR neg
- ABG: pH 7.5 PCO2 24 PO2 186 HCO3 22.5
- Methemoglobin 9.1 (ref range 0.0-1.5%)
- Ammonia 101
- Acetaminophen <5
Case Discussion
- Our patient has a negative tylenol level, but elevated LFTs and last tylenol use was 24 hours ago
- Another indication for NAC is any evidence of liver injury (rise in ALT/AST)
- What about the elevated methemoglobin level??
Proposed mechanisms for methemoglobinemia in acetaminophen overdose:
- NAPQI-induced oxidation
- Depletion of glutathione stores
- Production of oxidant-metabolites including paraaminophenol
- G6PD deficiency results in inability to reduce NADP to NADPH
Patient was found to be G6PD deficient at 3 U/gHb (Ref 9.9-16.6)
- G6PD is necessary to reduce methemoglobin
- Giving methylene blue in this case would worsen the oxidative stress as it accumulates without G6PD
- NAC was started given liver injury
Patient was evaluated for transplant but liver enzymes began to downtrend and patient labs improved along with clinical status
- Patient ultimately discharged in good condition from the hospital
Key Points
- Acetaminophen is a rare cause of methemoglobinemia
- Remember methemoglobinemia as a potential complication of acetaminophen overdose in patients with G6PD deficiency
Rianprakaisang T, Blumenberg A, Hendrickson RG. Acetaminophen-associated methemoglobinemia. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2020;58(7):785-786. doi:10.1080/15563650.2019.1682153
Rumack BH, Matthew H. Acetaminophen poisoning and toxicity. Pediatrics. 1975;55(6):871-876.