Critical Cases - Traumatic mydriasis!
Tue, 01/11/2022 - 5:11am
CC = R eye pain
- A 34 year woman complaints of R eye pain after being punched directly in the face several hours prior to arrival
- She is complaining of pain and blurred vision as well as light sensitivity
- She denies any LOC or amnesia, and has no other pain complaints
- +periorbital swelling around the R eye
- 3 cm linear laceration 3 cm below R lower lid
- R pupil is 4 mm, slightly irregular, and has no response to direct light or consensual reflex
- There is no increased pain in the R eye when light is shined in the L eye (no pain with consensual light reflex)
- IOP is 6 mm Hg OD and 7 mm Hg OS
- Slit lamp exam shows no hyphema, +fluorescin uptake at 7 oclock over <10% of the cornea
Diagnosis and Management
- Patient's mydriatic and poorly contractile pupil is due to traumatic mydriasis
- The scalloped, irregular margins of the iris are due to concomitant tears in the iris sphincter
- Treatment of corneal abrasions involves topical antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin drops or erythromycin ointment as well as pain control
- Treatment of traumatic mydriasis involves topical cycloplegics to relieve concomitant ciliary spasm and opthalmology followup
- Opthalmology may treat with surgery if the mydriasis fails to resolve on its own
- Watch a short clip of this very disturbing surgery here
- Opthalmology followup is key
- Be sure to assess for vision threatening concomitant injuries such as globe rupture, traumatic hyphema, and retrobulbar hematoma with increased IOP