#EMConf: Methemoglobinemia
Thu, 09/24/2020 - 6:00am
- O2 binds iron portiono of Hemoglobin in Ferrous (Fe2+) state
- Methemoglobinemia is when iron exists in Ferric (Fe3+) state; cannot bind O2
- Heriditary:
- Can happen naturally but Cytochrome B5 converts back to Fe 2+
- Deficiency in Cytochrome B5 reductase enzyme
- Hemoglobin M: Favors Fe3+ (ferric) state
- Acquired:
- Dapsone, Chloroquine
- Topical Anesthetics (benzocaine)
- Ingested Nitrites & Nitrates (well water)
- Antifreeze
- Aniline Dyes
- Poppers (inhaled nitrites used to enhance sexual actvity that induces Methemoglobinemia when ingested)
Clinical: symptoms secondary to Hypoxia
- Cyanosis
- Non-specific symptoms: headache, malaise, lightheadedness, lethargy
- Dyspnea
- Seizure, Coma, Shock
- Hypoxia that does not improve with Supplemental Oxygen
- usually around 85% on Pulxe Oximetry
- Methemoglobinemia absorbs same wave length as both oxygenated and deoxygenated Hemoglobin
- Chocolate brown blood
Diagnosis: can send serum level
- Methylene Blue
- Mechanism: Converts iron from Fe3+ to Fe2+ allowing oxygen to bind hemoglobin again
- Indications:
- >25% Methemoglobin level
- Symptomatic
- Contraindications:
- G6PD Deficiency: can precipitate hemolysis
- Relative: use of serotonergic agents as Methylene Blue can inhibit MAO and can increase risk for Serotonin Syndrome