# EMCONF : Unstable Cervical Spine Injuries
Thu, 12/06/2018 - 4:19pm
“Jefferson Bit Off A Hangman’s Thumb”
Jefferson Fracture
- C1 burst fracture - fracture of anterior and posterior arches
- Often caused by axial loading
- Approximately 50% associated with additional cervical spine fractures
Bilateral Cervical Facet Dislocation
- Rupture of the posterior ligamentous complex allows the superior facets to pass over inferior facets
- Often caused by hyperflexion
- High risk for spinal cord injury
Odontoid Fracture
- Fracture of dens/odontoid of C2
- Type II (transverse at base of odontoid) and Type III (through the body of the axis) are unstable, Type I (avulsion of the tip of the dens) is stable
- Often caused by forceful flexion/extension
Atlanto-occipital Dissociation
- Aka internal decapitation - often fatal
- Disruption of all of the ligamentous connections between the occiput and atlas
- More common in children
Hangman’ Fracture
- Fracture of bilateral pedicles of C2 with anterior displacement of C2 on C3
- Often caused by hyperextension
- Commonly seen in MVCs and diving accidents, not in suicidal hangings
Flexion Teardrop Fracture
- Large triangular fragment off anterior portion of vertebral body
- Often caused by hyperflexion and compressive forces
- Neurologic deficit common - either complete cord injury or anterior cord syndrome
REFERENCE: Sherman, Scott. Simon's Emergency Orthopedics. 8th edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education LLC., 2019.