Ventilation Pearl: The Missing Instrument...
Studies have shown that physicians do not accurately estimate patient body weight.
Using a tape measure to obtain an accurate height can prevent the hyperventilation that occurs in almost 20% of patients intubated in the ED.
A patient's lung capacity correlates with their lean body mass; a function of height and gender rather than true body weight.
The ARDSnet ideal body weight/tidal volume chart takes all of the calculations and guesswork out of selecting the appropriate tidal volume for your vent settings. Consider keeping a copy on your airway cart!
6-8cc/kg IBW is the recommended initial tidal volume.
Lung protective measures need to start in the ED, as acute lung injury and ARDS can develop in as few as 5 hours in at risk patients.
Goyal, M. Bhat, R. Tefera, E. Frohna, W. Body mass index is associated with inappropriate tidal volumes in adults intubated in the ED. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 34 (2016): 1673-1730.
Stehman, C.R. et. al. Bedside Estimation of Patient Height for Calculating Ideal Body Weight in the Emergency Department. The Journal of Emergency Medicine. 41;1 2011: 97-101
Sacchetti, Al. “Community Medicine Rants – Tape Measure Ventilation” Audio blog post. EM:RAP. March 2017.
Ventilator Protocol Card. NHLBI ARDS Network. 2008.
Fuller BM, Ferguson IT, Mohr NM, et al. Lung=Protective Ventilation Initiated in the Emergency Department (LOV-ED): A Quasi-Experimental, Before-After Trial. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2017.