A Week in Review: Jan 2nd-Jan 7th

When suspecting disseminated gonococcal infection, culture results will not available in the Emergency Department and treatment will be started empirically. These patients require admission to the hospital for parenteral antibiotics, culture results, and Infectious Disease consultation. What to Do with Gonococcal Arthritis in Your Emergency Department

In a mechanically ventilated patient, the presence of airflow at the end of expiration signifies a build up of end-expiratory lung volume and the presence of dynamic hyperinflation (air-trapping). This can be identified on the flow curve on the ventilator monitor. Recognizing Dynamic Hyperinflation (Air-Trapping) at the Bedside Using the Flow Curve 

In a young infant with non-bilious vomiting, a string sign (an elongated pylorus with narrow lumen) is one of many sonographic findings of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. Imaging Case: Six Week-Old Infant with Projectile Vomiting

To maintain a bloodless field, you may cut the tip off the glove for the finger of interest, then roll back that fingertip until the patient’s finger is visualized. This will function as a tourniquet, but remember to remove the tourniquet as soon as possible to prevent potential injury. When Snow Blowers Attack: How to Use a Rongeur in Finger Amputations

A transfusion trigger at a hemoglobin of 7g/dL vs 9g/dL may be safe in non-exsanguinating, GI bleeders, as recent results show better outcomes (mortality, rebleeding, hospital days) for those receiving this restrictive strategy. GI Bleeding: The Evidence Behind When to Transfuse

An alternative method of caffeine intake designed for the military comes in the form of caffeine impregnanted gum. Night Shift Aid?: Caffeine Impregnated Gum from the Military