A Week in Review: July 10 - 14th
Sun, 07/16/2017 - 8:00am
Monday: Back to Basics - Is that Amniotic Fluid?
Remember STERILE exam (incase membranes are ruptured)
Don't use lubricant as it can effect the pH
Use Nitrizine paper and look for Ferning
Tuesday: Advanced Practice - Myth of Dry Drowning
Dry Drowning is all over the news but not in classic EM textbooks
Read this to find out what you need to know!
Thursday: #emconf - Diving Emergencies
Make sure you know the difference between Air-Gas Embolism (abupt onset)
and Decompression Sickness (aka the Bends)
Friday: Critical Care - Not Just Full of Hot Air
Do you know how to interpret the waveform of Capnograph?
Check out this great infographic for a quick review