What's the Diagnosis? By Dr. Michael Tom
Wed, 11/21/2018 - 9:00am
A 70 yo M w/ a PMHx of HTN and DM presents to the ED with chest pain. He is 1 month s/p TEVAR with graft placement for a type B aortic dissection. A CTA is obtained. What's the diagnosis? (scroll down for answer)
Answer: Type I Endoleak at proximal graft site
- Endoleak = persisent blood flow outside of graft following aortic repair
- Note plume of contrast on image above in false lumen proximal to graft
- Often asymptomatic and can occur at any time post graft placement
- Found in 20-40% of patients, thus CTs recommended at 6 month intervals following repair
- CTA is gold standard for diagnosis
- Classified as
- Type I: proximal or distal to graft; usually require surgical intervention
- Type II: (most common) occur when blood flows into aneursym sac from branch vessels; may resolve spontaneously
- Type III: due to leaking through graft defect (mechincal failure of graft); requires repair
- Type IV: due to leaking through fabric of graft; may resolve spontaneously
- Type V: endotension: not a true leak; continued expansion of aneurysm site without radiographic evidence of leak
- Vascular surgery was consulted immediately and patient was admitted to ICU setting for strict BP control
Rosen RJ, Green RM. Endoleak management following endovascular aneurysm repair. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2008;19 (6 Suppl): S37-43.