
MedMalMonthly: Legal Primer

Civil Law:

  • A dispute between two parties.
  • Burden of proof is based on a "preponderance of evidence".
  • Punishment is monetary without threat for incarceration. 

Criminal Law:

  • Government or state brings action against an individual/ entity accused of wrongdoing.
  • Burdern of proof is "beyond a reasonable doubt".
  • Punishment is incarceration or fines. 

Negligence - There are 4 elements. 

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Advanced Practice: Airway Mastery Series! DL vs VL for Airway Management in the ED

The ResusEM conference is coming back this August! This is a summary of a portion of Dr. Byrne's talk on airway management presented at the August 2017 ResusEM conference at Cooper Medical School of Rowan University. Check out some of the literature looking at the performance of video largyngoscopy versus direct laryngoscopy in various hospital settings.

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Back to Basics: Ultrasound Guided Peripheral IVs 101

Ultrasound guidance has undeniably revolutionized IV access and is an incredibly useful skill for the ED physician.  The following are by no means a comprehensive guide to the procedure but rather 10 tips for small changes that are often overlooked and can make a huge difference. If you have trained with ultrasound guided IV’s and feel comfortable already with your own style, this may not be as helpful for you. For the medical students, interns, and perhaps "less young attendings" that did not have a vascular probe attached to their hip during residency, read on!

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Advanced Practice - Airway Mastery Series! Preoxygenation strategies

This post is a a summary of a portion of Dr Byrne's airway talk from last month's ResusEM conference at the Cooper Medical School of Rowan University. New techniques for preoxygenation before intubation can help to prolong time to desaturation and make this potentially dangerous procedure safer than ever!

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#EMconf: Shore Retreat! Tips for Discussions With Consultants and Patients

Last Thursday was the yearly Cooper EM residency retreat at the shore in Avalon, NJ. In addition to some spectacular teaching tips on summer emergencies, we had some great small group discussion and role-playing regarding one of the toughest (and least discussed) aspects of our jobs: difficult discussions with consultants, admitting physicians, and patients. Read on for some great interpersonal communications tips (and some pics of the Cooper EM residents hard at work).

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