A Week in Review: Nov 13th - 18th
Monday - Back to Basics: Dizziness and the HINTS Exam
Head Impulse Testing
Test of Skew
Tuesday - Advanced Practice: Euglycemic DKA
All of findings of DKA but with relatively normal glucose.
Only found in patients on SGLT-2 inhibitors – medication that end in “–gliflozin”
Excess glucose is excreated via urinary system.
Thursday - #emconf: Breach Delivery
Check out this stepwise approach to support delivery of a fetus presenting Breach
Don't forget to call for help!
Remeber to be patient, allow the fetus to do the work
Friday - Critical Care: Management of Cerebellar Hemorrhage
Be prepared to manage the airway
Patients with developing hydrocephalus or signs of brainstem compromise may benefit for surgical decompression
Based on INTERACT II, goal SBP < 140
Saturday - Board Review: Carbon Monoxide Poisioning
How well are you brushed up on CO and the diagnosis and treatment.