
Critically Appraised Topic: Do trigger point injections with lidocaine lead to lowering pain for patients with point tenderness in their neck or back when compared to standard therapies?

Dr. Collins, M.D., discusses the literature on trigger points. 

Category (Day): 

Critical Cases - Back pain bounceback!

A 55 year old male presents to the ED with complaints of anterior chest pain radiating through to the thoracic area X 2 days...you mentally run through a check list of the potential "red flag" signs/symptoms for serious back pain before you enter the room. Will this be another benign musculoskeletal pain or something more sinister?

Category (Day): 

Critical Cases: Not Just an Ankle Sprain! Demystifying the Maisonneuve Fracture

Independently interpreting plain film imaging is an essential skill for the Emergency Medicine provider. Among the most notorious of injuries likely to be missed is the Maisonneuve fracture. In this post we demonstrate the "can't miss" imaging findings to ensure that you don't make the mistake of thinking this is "just an ankle sprain!"

Category (Day): 

Advanced Practice - Calcific Tendonitis Can Mimic Septic Arthritis!

A 63 yo male presents complaining of severe pain to the right shoulder. He has markedly restricted range of motion in the shoulder, without any overlying erythema, edema, or warmth. You take a cursory glance at the xray as you gather supplies to perform an arthrocentesis for suspected septic arthritis...

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