Critically Appraised Topic: Is a 5-day course of high-dose amoxicillin adequate for treatment of pediatric CAP:
Dr. Rahul Gupta, M.D., explores if a 5 day course of high-dose Amoxicillin is adequate for treatment of pediatric CAP compared to a 10 day course
Disposition of Pediatric Burn Patients
A full discusison of pediatric burns would involve management of ABCs, calculation of body surface area burned and the intricacies of different calculations, fluid management, pain control, and finally disposition. For this, read a full chapter and several articles on burn management and resuscitation - here we have a quick rundown of what patients require transfer to burn center and/or admission vs which might be able to be discharged home.
General Management of Pediatric Neck Masses
Have a pediatric patient with a neck mass? No idea where to begin with your differential and management? This post from Dr. Rahul Gupta has got you covered!
Pediatric Status Asthmaticus
Summary of a lecture by Dr. Allen Eddington from Cooper University Hospital’s Department of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Pediatric DKA
Dr. Allen Eddington from Cooper University Hospital's Department of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine discusses management of Pediatric Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Pediatrics Analgesia & Sedation
Lecture by Dr. Reisman, M.D., Attending at Cooper Pediatric Emergency Department
Pediatric Epileptic Syndromes
Dr. Agustin Legido, Division Head of Pediatric Neurology at Cooper University Hospital, gives a lecture on Pediatric Epileptic Syndromes
Board Review: Acute Signs and Symptoms
An 8-month-old male born at 36 wks without any complications with no medical problems who presents with wheezing, increased work of breathing, rhinorrhea and cough for the past 2 days.
Critical Cases - Swollen 2 year old!
A 2 yo female presentes with parents with complaints of "whole body swelling" noted over days. You panic slightly as you reach for possible differentia diagnoses to explain this perplexing symptom and are struck by a distant memory of your peds rotation from medical school, or perhaps a flash of a memory staring at your Robbins textbook of pathophysiology.....