Critically Appraised Topics: Optimal dosing of acetazolamide in the prophylaxis of acute mountain sickness (AMS)?
Dr. Leary, D.O., looks into the literature on Diamox in acutemountain sickness.
Dr. Leary, D.O., looks into the literature on Diamox in acutemountain sickness.
This month the Cooper EM residents learn about summer emergencies. Here is some quick pearls about snake bites from PGY-2, Dr. Chavis.
Summer = the beach here in NJ and with the beach season comes marine envenomations. Luckily, the most common jellyfish found here in NJ is the moon jelly which causes little to no sting. But any jellyfish conversation in EM should include a discussion of Irukandji Syndrome - so here are your quick facts.
Which of the following animals is LEAST LIKELY to be rabid? (scroll down for answer)
A) Squirrel
B) Dog
C) Cat
D) Raccoon
E) Fox
This week's question.
Dr. Tom discusses marine envenomations.
While the scuba diving decompression illnesses of decompression sickness and arterial gas embolism are treated the same, the pathophysiology and presentation are different.
This three-minute video could help you one day save a life while hiking! It demonstrates how you can obtain and use additional doses of epinephrine from a single use epinephrine auto-injector in an emergency situation in which there would be a delay to definitive medical care.
As the weather warms in most parts of the country, we need to begin including tickborne illnesses on our differentials. Read below for a quick summary of some of the most common tickborne illnesses.
It is starting to get cold in the Northeast! Dr Lou Argentine educated us on the basics of frostbite and keys to proper management. Read ahead for the details.
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