Advanced Cases: Eye Swelling
A 54 year old man presents complaining of "restlessness" and within a few minutes of talking you realize he is likely in acute alcohol withdrawal. What next???
Does rapid lowering of blood pressure improve outcomes in patients with ICH?
Dr. Tabaac discusses management of various causes of ear pain.
45 year old female presents with 3 days of cough, congestion and chest discomfort.
History: A 64-year-old woman presents to the ED via EMS after a witnessed seizure lasting less than 1 minute. The patient appeared post-ictal for EMS but is currently alert and oriented. She does not recall what happened.
A 17 yo F with no PMHx presents to Urgent Care w/ L sided chest pain. Pain sharp, radiates to L upper back, has been intermittent x 1 month, worse x last 2-3 days. No exacerbating or relieving factors. She denies fever/chills, cough/URI sx, LE pain/edema. No prior hx of DVT, no OCPs. On exam, she is anxious appearing. She is tachycardic to the 120s with normal heart sounds. Spo2 is 100% and breath sounds are diminished on the left. A CXR is done and shown below. What's the diagnosis?(scroll down for answer)
A 65 yo male presents with left foot pain
Article: Targeted Temperature Management for Cardiac Arrest with Nonshockable Rhythm
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