Advanced Practice: Management of Acute Chest Syndrome with Dr. Lou Argentine
5 steps to Managing Acute Chest Syndrome in adult population
Oral hydration preferred
IVF w/ hypotonic fluid if clinically dehydrated or if poor PO intake/vomiting
aggressive IV hydration can worsen symptoms/outcome
only if hypoxia present, titrate to pulse ox > 92%, adjust O2 according to pulse ox
inhaled b2 agonist if wheezing occurs
3. PAIN:
usually require high dose parental opioids
pain management promotes pulmonary toilet
avoid over sedation, monitor for respiratory distress
two most common organisms: chlamydia pneumonia and mycoplasma pneumonia
cover both typical and atypical pathogens: 3rd generation cephalosporin and macrolide
exchange transfusion preferred
goal to increase hemoglobin A levels above 70%
consider when:
Hx of requiring ventilator support or worsening hypoxemia despite management above - can help prevent intubation
patient already required intubation - useful to shorten duration of intubation
suspected/confirmed fat or bone marrow embolism
REMEMBER: Acute chest syndrome is leading cause of death in patients with SCD in US!