Back to Basics: Boerhaaves
Esophageal Rupture
Boerhaave’s syndrome – specifically spontaneous rupture due to sudden increase in esophageal pressure classically with retching and vomiting
May also occur due to trauma or iatrogenic causes
Usually perforation at left posterolateral intrathoracic esophagus
Classic – acute onset severe constant substernal chest pain with history of retching or vomiting
Other presentations - neck pain if cervical esophageal perforation, epigastric radiating to shoulder or back if intrathoracic perforation
Dyspnea, dysphagia, hematemesis
Physical Exam:
Rapidly progressive sepsis and shock due to fulminant necrotizing mediastinitis, pneumonitis, or peritonitis
Tacycardia, tachypnea, diaphoresis, fever, hypotension
Hammans crunch if mediastinal emphysema
Cervical SQ emphysema
Definitive is CT chest or contrast esophogram - mediastinal free air, pleural effusion
XR is not sensitive, although 90% will show nonspecific abnormalities
Surgical emergency
Fluid resuscitation
Broad spectrum parenteral antibiotics
Stapczynski, J. Stephan,, and Judith E. Tintinalli. Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide. 7th ed. New York, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill Education LLC., 2011.
Triadafilopoulos, G. (2018, February 21). Boerhaave syndrome: Effort rupture of the esophagus.
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