Back to Basics: Hyperkalemia Management
Hyperkalemia Treatment Options
By: Lou Argentine
Remember, when you see a big K+, give "C BIG K"! (+ a few other options...)
1000 mg calcium gluconate (10mL of 10% solution) or 500-1000 mg calcium chloride (5-10mL of 10% solution) given over 5-10 minutes
- Stabilizes the cardiac membrane
- Effect within minutes, only lasts 30-60 minutes, dose should be repeated every 30-60 minutes
- Calcium chloride contains x 3 the concentration of elemental calcium
- Central access is preferred for calcium chloride - irritation, tissue necrosis with extravasation
Sodium Bicarbonate
50-150 mEq sodium bicarbonate IV
- Shifts potassium into cells by causing relative alkalemia
- Effect begins within 5-10 minutes, duration 1-2 hours
Insulin with Glucose
10 units regular insulin IV with 25-50 grams dextrose (1-2 ampules of D50)
- Insulin drives potassium into the cells, glucose given to prevent hypoglycemia
- Effect of insulin begins 10-20 minutes after infusion, duration 4-6 hours
- Expect potassium to drop 0.5-1.2 mEq/L
Gastrointestinal Cation Exchanger
25-50 grams sodium polystyrene sulfonete (kayexylate) PO or PR
- Binds potassium in GI tract in exchange for other cations
- 1-2 hour onset of action
10-20mg albuterol nebulized over 10 minutes
- Shifts potassium into cells
- Effect begins within 15-30 minutes, duration 2-4 hours
Loop Diuretics
40-80mg IV furosemide
- Increases potassium loss in urine
- Onset/duration of action varies based on renal function
IV Normal Saline
- Hydration with isotonic normal saline will both dilute serum potassium and promote renal excretion of potassium
- Removes potassium within minutes
Jones KM, Wood SL, Chiu WC. Critical Care Emergency Medicine. 2nd ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education LLC, 2017.
Tintinalli JE, Stapczynski JS, Ma OJ, Yealy DM, Meckler GD, Cline DM. Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide. 8th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education LLC, 2016.