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Ischemic Colitis
Background: Decreased perfusion and resulting ischemia of colon - at risk due to vascular supply from superior mesenteric artery, inferior mesenteric artery, internal iliac arteries —> creates watershed areas at splenic flexure and rectosigmoid junction
3 Main Classifications:
• Hypoperfusion - most common cause
• Acute arterial occlusion (embolic, thrombotic)
• Venous thrombosis of mesenteric vein - more commonly implicated in acute mesenteric ischemia
Risk Factors:
• Cardiovascular disease
• Dialysis
• Drugs - cocaine, amphetamines, immune modulators, constipation-inducing (opioids, anti-motility agents), many others
• Thrombophilia
• Aortic procedures
• Extreme exercise (due to shunting)
• Lower abdominal pain —> tender to palpation with voluntary guarding (more indolent onset in comparison to acute mesenteric ischemia)
• Rectal bleeding
• Diarrhea
• Obtain CT A/P with IV contrast +/- PO contrast
• Confirmation usually with colonoscopy within 48 hours
• Labs - BMP, CBC, coags; often will have elevated WBC and lactate (in setting of hypo-perfusion) although non-specific
• Conservative in most - IV fluids, broad spectrum antibiotics, keep NPO
• 20% require surgical intervention, higher mortality in this group
• Hemorrhagic shock
• Sepsis
• Necrotic bowel
• Stricture formation
Azam, B et al. Ischemic colitis. J Emerg Med. 2019 May;56(5):e85-e86.
Brandt LJ, Feuerstadt P, Longstreth GF, et al. ACG clinical guideline: epidemiology, risk factors, patterns of presentation, diagnosis, and management of colon ischemia (CI). Am J Gastroenterol 2015; 110:18.
Trotter J M, Hunt L, Peter M B. Ischaemic colitis BMJ 2016; 355 :i6600