Board Review: Critical Care
You obtain a call from EMS that there has been a large fire at a nearby apartment complex. The victims are quickly brought to the hospital. Which of the following victims will need transfer to a burn center.
25 year old male with a second degree partial thickness circumferential burn around leg
35 year old female with partial thickness burn over half of her abdomen
89 year old male with full thickness burn over non-dominant hand and associated fracture
6 year who comes in with wheezing after inhalation injury
A, B, C, D,
A, C, D
A, D
Answer: F
Guidelines for transfer to burn center are summarized in the following table and include circumferential extremity burns, inhalation injuries, and burns involving the hands. Other important things to remember are management of airway, fluid resuscitation, early analgesia for pain, and updating tetanus status.
Rosen’s Emergency Medicine Concepts and Clinical Practice. 8th edition. 2013. Chapter 63: Thermal Burns. 811-814.
Bjoernsen, L. P., & Ebinger, A. (2016). Chapter 216 Thermal Burns In Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide (8th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.