Critical Cases - Ankle dislocation!!
Tue, 02/16/2021 - 11:13am
- 29 yo male with no medical problems presents after everting his right ankle on an icy sidewalk
- Felt immediate "pop" and pain
- Unable to weight bear
- No other injuries sustained
Physical exam
T 98 F HR 92 BP 173/80 Pox 96%
- Circumferential swelling R ankle
- Unable to range ankle d/t pain
- Sensation intact to light touch over R foot
- DP pulse 2+, cap refill <2s
- +proximal fibular tenderness
Plain films
- Plain films show: Distal fibular spiral fracture, tibio-talar subluxation, widening of the mortise joint suspicious for deltoid ligament disruption and syndesmotic injury
- Knee plain films: no proximal fibular fracture noted
- Decision made to perform closed reduction via procedural sedation
- An intra-articular block would have also been a good option to obviate need for sedation
- Goal of reduction is to restore tibio-talar alignment
- Failure to properly reduce will lead to necrosis of joint cartilage and post-traumatic arthritis, chronic pain
- Flex ipsilateral knee to 90 degrees for reduction, this will relax gastrocnemius muscle so you aren't pulling against it
- Grasp affected ankle at the heel with one hand and on the dorsal foot with the other hand
- Apply longitudinal traction
- Apply padding, being sure to add extra padding around malleoli and the heel (bony prominences)
- Apply sugartong and posterior splints, secure with elastic bandage
- Molding the splint is the key challenge: with one hand apply lateral force on the medial tibia proximal to the ankle
- With the other hand apply medial force on the distal fibula
- The idea is that the ankle is dislocated laterally, so your overall force vector on the foot needs to be directed medially (see picture below)
- Lean into the foot with upper chest to force into slight dorsiflexion at about 90 degrees, this will prevent the calf muscles from developing contractures while in the splint
Note: Operator's right hand is more distal, left hand more proximal: this will force the foot medially and close the medial joint space gap. Also note use of the chest to force the ankle to 90 degrees
Post-reduction plain films
- Near perfect anatmoic alignment of tibio-talar joint and fibular fragments
- Ankle is at 90 degrees, this will stretch the calf muscles and prevent contractures from prolonged splint immobilization
Case Outcome
- Pt discharged on crutches, non weight bearing
- Followed with orthopedics in the office two days later and scheduled for ORIF repair given disruption to ankle mortise
- For a quick review of a similar but more severe injury, check out this vintage EM daily post on the dreaded Maissoneuve injury
Learning points
- Fracture reduction and splinting are key skills for emergency physicians
- Failure to properly reduce a fracture can lead to necrosis of joint cartilage, chronic pain and disability
- Understanding the 3 point mold and where/how to apply force is key to a satisfactory ankle reduction