Critical Cases - Boerhaave's Syndrome Emergency!
Tue, 03/30/2021 - 5:11am
- 71 yo male is boarding in the ED after an admission for a RLE DVT
- On day 2 of his hospital admission, he has several episodes of emesis
- He begins complaining of chest pain, and vital signs reflect new hypotension, tachycardia and hypoxia
T: 99.9 HR 124 BP 74/42 RR 30 Pox 88% on RA
- Appearance: Ill appearing, tachypneic, in distress, clutching chest
- Heart: Tachycardic
- Lungs: Diminished breath sounds on the left
- Abdomen: soft, NTND
- Extremities: cool with intact distal pulses, erythema and edema of RLE known to have DVT
- ECG: Sinus tachycardia, no ST/T wave abnormalities
- CXR:
CXR interpretation: L sided pleural effusion
- Intubtated and started on broad spectrum antibiotics
- Started on vasopresors for worsening hypotension with MAPs in the 40s
- A left sided chest tube was placed which drains ~5 liters of dark brown-black liquid which appears identical to orogastric tube drainage
- A STAT portable xray after instillation of oral contrast via OG tube into esophagus shows distal esophageal contrast leak confirming suspected diagnosis of esophageal perforation
Outcome and Teaching Pearls
- Cardiothoracic surgery evaluated pt but he was determined to not be a surgical candidate
- GI performed endocscopy demonstrating a large 4cm full thickness perforation of the distal esophagus with freely visible contaminated mediastinum
- An esophageal stent is inserted
- Pt continues to decompensate and ultimately dies
- Esophageal perforation from forceful vomiting (i.e. Boerhaave's syndrome) or instrumentation is a medical and surgical emergency
- Presents with sudden onset severe, unrelenting, sharp retrosternal chest pain and hemodynamic instability, including hypotension, tachycardia, and tachypnea rapidly leading to shock
- Hamman's Crunch/Hamman's sign: a sign of pneumomediastinum, a crunching sound on cardiac auscultation
- Chest Xray often demonstrates pleural effusion (from the leakage of GI content), pneumothoraxes (usually on the left, as in this case), and pneumomediastinum.
- A CT scan with water soluble oral contrast (Gastrografin) or an endoscopy will make the diagnosis
- Treatment: early broad spectrum antibiotics and operative management
- Without operative intervention, the mortality is 100%
Soreide J and Vista A. Esophageal perforation: diagnostic work-up and clinical decion-making in the first 24 hours. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med: 2011; 19:66/