Critical Cases - "I drank this"
Tue, 02/04/2020 - 7:12pm
- 50 yo male presents 1 hour after accidental ingestion of windshield washer fluid that he had stored in a gatorade bottle
- Pt became acutely dizzy and nauseated and had a near syncopal event shortly after ingestion
- Began vomiting en-route with EMS
- VS: T 97.2 HR 70 BP 138/80 RR 16 Pox 98%
- Pt actively vomiting reddish tinged watery fluid
- Oropharynx is clear
- Lungs clear
- Abd soft and nontender
What's in windshield washer fluid anyways? Is it bad to ingest?
- Windshield washer fluids variably contain methanol or ethylene glycol, as these alcohols have a much lower freezing point than water (so the fluid doesn't freeze while in the reservoir of a car during the winter)
- Yes, it is very bad to ingest methanol or ethylene glycol: they are collectively referred to as two of the "toxic alcohols" and can be deadly in relatively small ingestions
Lab results
- Na 144 K 4.4 Cl 109 CO2 18 BUN 10 Cr 0.90 Glucose 114
- Measured serum osmolality: 385
- Osmolar gap: 86
- VBG: pH 7.24 PC02 27 HCO3 13 --> Metabolic acidosis with appropriate respiratory compensation
- Methanol and ethylene glycol levels: Send out to reference lab
Dx and Critical Actions
- Toxic alcohol ingestion: the patient has a markedly elevated osmolar gap indicating the presence of unmeasured osmotically active solute (presumptively the toxic alcohol)
- The patient also exhibits the first signs of toxicity with a metabolic acidosis as the toxic alcohols are metabolized
- Critical therapy: initiation of therapy with fomepizole a potent inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase, the enzyme responsible for metabolism of methanl and ethylene glycol to their (toxic) metabolites
- Folinic acid may also help to enhance metabolism of formate (the toxic metabolite of methanol)
- Sodium bicarbonate infusion may help to treat severe metabolic acidosis
- Severe toxicity with profound acidosis warrants emergent hemodialysis
Case resolution
- The patient's repeat blood gas and serum chemistries demonstrated resolution of metabolic acidosis
- Serum methanol levels returned at 280 ng/dL (markedly elevated)
- Patient was admitted to general medical floors for q12 fomepizole and serial methanol levels
- In cases of clear or strongly suspected toxic alcohol ingestion, do not delay administration of fomepizole --> this drug binds to alcohol dehydrogenase with X1000 affinity of methanol and protects the patient while confirmatory lab tests are pending
- Don't forget the administration of folinic acid
- Treat mild/moderate metabolic acidosis with bicarbonate infusions
- Consider emergent hemodialysis for severely poisoned patients in the setting of severe metabolic acidosis