Critical Cases - Painless Vision Loss (With Awesome Eye Ultrasound!)
Tue, 12/21/2021 - 5:11am
Chief Complaint: Vision Loss left eye X 4 days
- 35 yo male with pmhx of NIDDM reports 4 days of persistent, gradually worsening loss of vision in his left eye
- Reports a portion of his visual field is severely blurry
- Denies any eye redness or pain, no history of trauma
- He is a contact lens wearer and occasionally keeps contacts in overnight
- No eye discharge
- No "flashes and floaters"
- No headaches or neck pain
- Eyes are grossly normal in appearance bilaterally
- Visual acuity: 20/30 OD, finger counting OS
- EOM are intact
- No afferent pupillary defect in either eye
- Intra-ocular pressure measured by iCARE device = 13 mm Hg OD and OS
- Fluorescin stain is negative
- There is a left nasal inferior quadranopsia present on confrontation testing (patient cannot see anything in this quadrant)
Key Image:
Red arrows = detached retina tethered to optic nerve
Blue arrow = optic nerve
Differential diagnosis
- The ultrasound images raise two primary differential diagnoses: retinal detachment and vitreous detachment
- Both RD and VD have similar ultrasound findings: a thin echogenic "ribbon" floating in the middle of the globe
- The key distinction is to observe the "ribbon" around the optic nerve: as the retina is contiguous with the optic nerve sheath, the ribbon appears "tethered" to the optic nerve in retinal detachment
- See above key image: the echogenic ribbon appears to insert on the optic nerve, confirming retinal detachment
- An acute retinal detachment is an opthalmological emergency: consultation in the ED or same-day visit to an opthalmologist is warranted
- Urgent laser therapy or cryotherapy to "re-stick" the retina to the retinal epithelium is the treatment of choice
- This requires a retina specialist