Critical Cases - Torsades de pointes!
Tue, 04/06/2021 - 5:11am
- 37 yo female with no medical history complains of one week of nonbloody intermittent vomiting
- She notes intermittent "electric shock" sensations down her arms into her hands
- She complains of tremors in her hands
- She notes gradual onset of yellowing of her sclera
- Denies abdominal pain, fevers, diarrhea, urinary symptoms
Vitals: T 99.1 BP 144/120 HR 91 RR 20 Pox 100% on RA
- Appears agitated and tremulous
- HEENT: +scleral icterus
- Cardiac: no murmurs
- Pulm: Lungs clear
- Abd: Soft, nontender, +hepatomegaly
- Extrem: no edema
- Neuro: +resting tremor in hands
- Denies medical history
- She does report taking an unknown medication for unclear psychiatric diagnosis in the past but not for several months
- Denies recreational drug use
- +heavy ETOH use daily last use within 24 hrs
Initial Differential Diagnosis
- ETOH withdrawal: +reported ETOH use with tremors, vomiting, elevated BP
- Acute hepatitis: new jaundice suggestive of viral or ETOH induced hepatitis or possible overdose of hepatotoxic medication
Workup and Management
- IV access, cardiac monitor
- NS bolus 1 L
- FSBS: 101
- Chem basic, CBC. liver profile, acute hepatitis panel
Lab Results:
Lab intepretation:
- hypokalemia
- pancytopenia with macrocytic anemia
- elevated transaminases and bilirubin
- Overall picture suggestive of chronic ETOH abuse and alcohol induced pancreatitis
Case progression:
- Pt monitor shows this rhythm:
- Pt is found to be pulseless
- Rhythm is identified as polymorphic ventricular tachycardia: torsades de pointes
- Pt defibrillated at 200 J with return of spontaneous circulation, she regains consciousness and is at baseline mental status
- A subsequent ECG shows:
- QTc = 562 ms
Diagnosis and Management
- Prolonged QT from hypokalemia/hypocalcemia/hypomagnesemia from severe vomiting/malnutrition
- Acute alcoholic hepatitis
- Acute ETOH withdrawal
- Patient immediately treated with 4g IV magnesium, 2g calcium gluconate and 40 meq IV potassium chloride
- Admitted to intensive care unit for continued electrolyte replacement and monitoring
- 2 subsequent episodes of pulseless polymorphic VT treated with defibrillation
- She is started on a lidocaine infusion to shorten Qtc and considered for a transvenous pacemaker to attempt overdrive pacing
- Patient subsequently became agitated with visual hallucinatinons and had a brief seizure thought likely due to delerium tremens: treated with phenobarbital
- QT gradually decreases to 500 ms as electrolytes replaced
Learning Points
- Consider prolonged QTc in any patient who presents with vomiting and obtain an ECG early
- This is especially common in patients with alchohol abuse who are often malnourished
- Treat markedly prolonged Qtc with aggressive intravenous replacement of potassium, magnesium, and calcium
- Consider isoproterenol to increase the HR which will shorten the QTc
- Consider overdrive pacing for unstable patients: placement of a transvenous pacemaker to artificially increase HR to shorten the QTc
- Treat unstable torsades as for unstable VT, with cardioversion for patients with a pulse and defibrillation in the absence of a pulse