#EMConf: Electrical Injuries
Thu, 08/06/2020 - 6:00am
Basic Principles:
- Low resistance, High current: nerves, wet skin
- Electricity is converted to thermal energy
- High Voltage is > 1000 V
- Can lead to asystole
- Can cause significant damage of organs & tissues
- "Tip of the Iceberg": May be more severely injured than they appear
Alternating Current (AC):
- Causes tetany thus sustained contraction thus longer exposure to source
- Low Voltage AC: V-Fib
- HIgh Voltage AC: Asystole
Direct Current (DC): Batteries, electric cars, etc.
- Single contraction: traumatic injuries, dislocations
- Causes asystole
Electrocution Injuries:
- CNS: Transient loss of conciousness with central apnea; spinal cord syndomes (can be delayed); paresthesias
- Cardiac: Cardiac Arrest, Dysrhythmias
- MSK: Posterior Shoulder Dislocation, Fractures, Rhabdomyolysis, Compartment Syndrome
- Pulmonary: Respiratory Arrest with prolonged apnea
- Ocular: cataracts can present later
- Cutaneous: extent of skin damage not predictive of internal damage
- Admit: Dysrhtyhmia or Ischemia or EKG changes
- Discharge: Low voltage injury, minor burns/ symptoms, normal UA, normal EKG
Price T,Cooper M.“Electrical and Lightning Injuries.”In: Rosen's Emergency MedicineConcepts and Clinical Practice.7th ed.Philadelphia, PA:Elsevier; 2010: 1893-1902.BaileyC. “Electrical and Lightning Injury” In: Tintinalli JE, Stapczynski J, Ma O, Yealy DM, MecklerGD, Cline DM. eds.Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 8eNewYork, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2016