#EMconf: Outpatient treatment for PE
Clinical Question: Is expedited outpatient treatment of low risk pulmonary embolism safe?
Conclusion: Early outpatient treatment of patients with low-risk PEs may be safe in a very select patient population using a well-defined, well-validated method of identifying low-risk patients. Patients must have the ability to comply with therapy, access to reliable and close follow-up, and adequate teaching on outpatient therapy prior to discharge.
Article #1:
• Purpose: To evaluate safety and efficacy of early discharge vs. standard hospitalization in acute, symptomatic PE
• Design:
Multicenter, prospective, randomized control trial with 132 pts w/ acute low-risk symptomatic PE
Treatment = LMWH; bridged to acenocoumarol (Vit K antagonist)
Early discharge defined as 3rd day after diagnosis (or 5th day if no echo performed)
• Primary Outcome: Symptomatic, recurrent VTE or death attributable to PE < 3 months
• Results: No statistically significant differences; but study stopped early due to unexpectedly high mortality rate in early discharge group
Article #2:
• Purpose: Assess safety, efficacy and efficiency of outpatient vs. inpatient management of acute, symptomatic, low-risk PE
• Design:
Multicenter, open-label, randomized, non-inferiority control trial
Treatment: enoxaparin (>5 days) followed by oral anticoagulation (Vit K antagonists recommended)
Early discharged defined as < 24h from randomization
344 pts w/ low risk PE per PE severity index score
• Primary Outcome: recurrent, symptomatic VTE w/in 90 days
• Results: no statistically significant difference in recurrent VTE rate at 90 days
Article #1: Otero, R, Uresandi, F, Jimenez, D et al. Home treatment in pulmonary embolism. Thromb Res. 2010; 126: e1-e5
Article #2: Aujesky D, Roy PM, Verschuren F, et al. Outpatient versus inpatient treatment for patients with acute pulmonary embolism: an international, open-label, randomised, non-inferiority trial. Lancet. 2011;378:41-48