Primer on Optic Neuritis
What is it?
Inflammatory demyelination of the optic nerve
- Usually idiopathic, rarely infectious, and often associated with MS
Classic symptoms:
Progressive visual loss, associated with:
- Eye pain, often mild, pain can precede visual loss
- Color vision changes
- Pain with extraocular motion
- Afferent pupillary defect
- Headache
Natural history:
- If left untreated, on average gets gradually worse over 10 days then gradually better over weeks, with good but usually not perfect recovery of vision
Association with multiple sclerosis:
- 30% of patients diagnosed with optic neuritis with develop MS within 5 years
- Bilateral intranuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) in otherwise healthy patient à highly suggestive of MS
- MRI can help risk stratify for development of MS by identifying white matter lesions
- Clinical +/- MRI
- Physical exam: eye appears normal, afferent pupillary defect, pain with EOM
- MRI: not necessarily needed, but helpful
- Confirm diagnosis
- Rule out other diseases
- Assess for white matter lesions (predict MS)
- Fundoscopic exam is often normal because the inflammatory changes are retrobulbar. While you can sometimes see mild changes, profound disc edema is not classic
- Possible role for US? May have discrepancy in size of optic nerve sheath diameter between affected and unaffected eye
- DDx: acute angle closure glaucoma, scleritis, anterior uveitis, optic neuritis, keratitis, and corneal abrasion
- Optho & neuro consult
- Steroids (usually started IV) - may speed visual recovery but little/no long term benefit
1) Germann CA, Baumann MR, Hamzavi S. Ophthalmic diagnoses in the ED: optic neuritis. Am J Emerg Med. 2007 Sep;25(7):834–837
2) Mark Philip Saigh, H. Martin Plauché, Christine Butts, Amer Karam Karam, Salvador J. Suau, Lisa Moreno-Walton. Acute Optic Neuritis Diagnosed by Bedside Ultrasound in an Emergency Department. The Journal of Emergency Medicine. Aug 2019; 57 (2):207-211