A Week in Review: Feb 13th - Feb 17th
Sun, 02/19/2017 - 8:30pm
MONDAY: Back to Basics Approach to the Slit Lamp
Check out this great info graphic to jumpstart you Slit Lamp Skills
TUESDAY: Tranexemaic Acid: Evidence and Clinical Applications
Most of heard the use for trauma, some for nose bleeds. How about: Hemoptysis, ICH, GI Bleed, Post Partum Hemorrhage, Menorrhagia, Traumatic Hyphema and SAH
Check out this great post and reivew of the evidence
WEDNESDAY: Whats the Diagnosis?
An 8 yo with some SOB after dinner.
Check out this lateral neck X-ray
THURSDAY: #EMconf D-dimer in Pregnancy, what's the cut-off
Check out this review of two papers that try to answer that questions
FRIDAY: Critical Care - Sux for Kids?
Quick review of the Pro's & Con's