Week in Review June 5th - June 9th
Monday - Back to Basics: Pearls on some of the less common tick borne illnesses
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and transaminitis = think Erlichiosis
Hemolytic Anemia and Malteese Cross = Babesiosis
Tuesday - Advanced Practice: Fish Hook Removal in the ED
1) Push it through, cut the barb and back it up
2) Just yank it
3) Make an incision
Wednesday - What's The Diagnosis?
How long are patients contagious in the US?
Patients with pulmonary TB are deemed not infectious after meeting the following 3 criteria:
-3 serial negative sputum smears
-Have been on effective treatment for 2 weeks
-Have had an improvement in symptoms
Friday - Critical Care: #Guidewire Problems
Check out this tip to reduce your chance of losing your vascular access while you fumble with the wire
WIN (Wire In Needle) Method