A Week in Review: Nov 21st-Nov 26th
When evaluating a patient for thyroid storm, factors including body temperature, CNS dysfunction, GI/liver dysfunction, cardiovascular dysfunction, and triggering factors contribute to calculating a Burch-Wartofsky score. A score >45 is highly probable for thyroid storm, whereas a score <25 makes thyroid storm improbable. Thryotoxicosis vs Thyroid Storm: A Scoring System
When treating thyroid storm, propranolol 1) blocks monodeiodinase type I which decreases peripheral conversion of T4 to T3, 2) blocks beta-1 receptors decreasing cardiac contractility and heart rate, and 3) blocks beta-2 receptors increasing systemic vascular resistance. How Propranolol Works in Thyroid Storm
Plain films have a sensitivity of 35% for identifying ingested fish bones. CT scans have a sensitivity of 95%. Imaging Case: 8 Year Old Girl with Shortness of Breath
In 2 rapid sequence intubtation studies, 6.5% of pediatric patients were hyperkalemic before intubation. In 2% of those patients, hyperkalemia was not even suspected. Does Sux Suck for Kids? Succinylcholine in the Pediatric Patient
A Chance fracture is a compression fracture of the anterior spine with a transverse fracture through the posterior vertebral body and posterior vertebral elements (pedicles, facets, lamina, spinous/transverse processes). Unstable fracture! Orthopedic Injuries Around the NFL: Tony Romo's Lumbar Spine Compression Fracture