A Week in Review: Oct 2nd - 7th
Sun, 10/08/2017 - 8:00am
Monday: Back to Basics - Digoxin Toxicity
EKG: multiple PVCs, bidirectional VT, slow afib
Diag: Symptoms and serum Dig Level, although they may not correlate
Tx = DigiFab
Tuesday: Advanced Practice - Vaginal Bleeding
Try Kerlex with lubrication
IV TXA, 10mg/kg max dose 600mg
Don't forget your ABC's
Wednesday: What's the Diagnosis?
Thursday: #emconf - Gross Hemoptysis
Start with the ABC's
CXR followup by CTA of the Chest or Bronch.
If you need to secure the airway, attempt to use a 8.0 tube
Patient positioning, if only bleeding from one lung, put that lung lower
Friday: Critical Care - What's the Diagnosis?
Physical Exam of the Abdomen
Saturday: Board Review - Hemoptysis
How do you manage nonmassive hemoptysis?