A Week in Review: Oct 9th - 14th
Monday: Back to Basics - Facial Trauma
Noncontrast CT Facial bones is imaging of choice.
Check out the review of motor and sensory function
Be prepared to manage difficult airways, lots of suction!
Tuesday: Advanced Practice - Respiratory Failure in Myasthenia Crisis
Presentation: Progressive fatigue / weakness (maynot show other signs of failure ex: accessory muscle use)
Diagnosis: Check Vital Capacity and Negative Inspiratory Force (NIF), consider intubation at VC <15-20ml/kg OR NIF <-25 cmH20
Tx: Secure the airway, Plasma Exchange or IVIG, glucocorticoids
Wednesday: What's the Diagnosis?
Saturday: Board Review - Bloody Diarrhea
Review some causes of bloody diarrhea in an otherwise healthy 49M.
What is the right test to confirm the diagnosis?