Board Review: Myxedema Coma
Board Review: Myxedema Coma
Which of the following medications is most appropriate for the treatment of myxedema coma in the emergency department? (scroll down for the answer)
A) PO Levothyroxine
B) IV Thyroxine
Board Review: Myxedema Coma
Which of the following medications is most appropriate for the treatment of myxedema coma in the emergency department? (scroll down for the answer)
A) PO Levothyroxine
B) IV Thyroxine
This week's post wraps up our 2 parter on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in the ED. Read on to discover all of the things that can go horribly wrong in this patient population!
Board Review: Thyroid Storm
Last week the Cooper EM residents received a primer on the approach to the patient with IBD in the ED from our own GI fellow Krysta Contino. This week will focus on the basic approach, and next week we will take a deeper dive into specific complications that every ED doc needs to know about!
The cancer population is at an increased risk for morbidity and mortality from common infections due to their impaired immunity. Knowledge on how to approach the febrile neutropenic patient can have a huge impact on an otherwise horrific mortality rate in this vulnerable population.
Read ahead for a quick quide to factor replacement for your next bleeding hemophiliac patient...
Geriatric patients suffering from falls are very common in the ED. Dr. Rick Pescatore returned to Cooper and gave a fact filled talk on the approach to these high risk patients. The talk focused on mechanisms, medications and risk assessment opportunities for future falls. Read ahead for the details...
A patient presents with HIV and a fever...what's in the differential? Below is simple review of the differentials to consider for patients with HIV who present to the ED with a fever based on CD4 counts.
Try and reorganize your DDx for syncope into a systems based approach. This week Dr. Lou Argentine spoke on the importance of maintaining a broad differential for all syncope patients to ensure you don’t miss a life threatening illness.
Use an organized/system based approach
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