John Cafaro MD

Board Review: OB/GYN

A 29-year-old woman presents for heavy vaginal bleeding. She is hemodynamically stable. She had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery of a full-term baby 1 week ago. She denies fever or pain. There is active bleeding from the os. No cervical motion tenderness or signs of trauma or foul-smelling discharge. What is the most likely diagnosis? 

A. Uterine Atony

B. Retained products of conception

C. Cervical Trauma

D. Endometritis 





Category (Day): 

Advanced Practice: Supportive Management of Critical Illness in Pregnancy

The nurse calls you to the room of a 34 year old crashing patient....and she happens to be pregnant.  Here are the pearls for resuscitation and management of the critically ill pregnant patient. 

Category (Day): 
