Katie Selman, MD

Back to Basics: What's the diagnosis?

A 28-year old male with no past medical history presents with ches tpain for 2 days. The pain is pressure-like in the center of his ches tand worse with deep inspiration. He states he just got over a cold but denies recent fever or cough. An EKG is obtained. What is the diagnosis?

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What's the Diagnosis? By Dr. Katie Selman

A 67 yo M w/ a PMHx of IVDU presents to the ED w/ chest pain and fever of 101.5. His initial HR is 135. A CXR is obtained and he is started on broad spectrum antibiotics. An hour later, he begins complaining of worsening shortness of breath, and is found to be tachypneic and hypoxic, w/ a RR of 40 and SpO2 of 85 %. A repeat CXR is obtained (shown at R below, initial CXR on L).  What's the diagnosis? (scroll down for answer)



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Back to Basics: Dental Blocks

While we aren't dentists, it's very common to encouter ED patients with dental complaints. Dental blocks are a very useful tool in the care of patients with not only dental pain, but can also be used to anesthesize certain areas of the face for laceration repairs. Read on below for a guide on the different types of blocks.

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