A 32 yo male suffering from dental pain for the past several days presents to the ED complaining of abdominal pain. He notes ingesting large quantities of acetaminophen for the pain. Your triage nurse notes he is hypoxic on RA at 86%, but oddly this does not rise when the patient is placed on oxygen....
Read moreSubmitted by Valeria Chew

Dangers we cannot miss if we see a pregnant woman (>20 weeks) with vaginal bleeding!
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Dr. Laura Di Taranti, M.D., discusses if steroid choice matters in acute asthma exacerbation.
Read moreSubmitted by Laura Di Taranti, MD

A 42 year-old female presents with HTN, DM, and obesity 4 days of abdominal pain. The pain is worsened by eating and associated with nausea; her vitals are within normal limits and she is afebrile. What's the diagnosis?
Submitted by Lauren Murphy, MD

A healthy 32 yo unvaccinated male presents with shortness of breath. "Easy, it's Covid" you think as you head for the room. But what about this other complaint? Abdominal pain? What's that about?
Read moreSubmitted by Sarah Perelman M.D.

Part 2 of Back to Basics: Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation focuses on BiPAP settings.
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A 17 year-old male presents to t
Read moreSubmitted by Courtney Martin, DO

Dr. Paul Comber discusses mechanical complications after myocardial infarction.
Read moreSubmitted by Paul Comber, MD
A 40 year old male comes to your ED with dyspnea
Read moreSubmitted by Abagayle Renko M.D.