Imaging Case: 15 Year Old Girl with Right Wrist Pain
Case: A 15 year old girl flipped while snowboarding and landed on her right arm. She complains of severe right wrist pain. A plain film of the wrist is obtained:
Case: A 15 year old girl flipped while snowboarding and landed on her right arm. She complains of severe right wrist pain. A plain film of the wrist is obtained:
The post introduces the basics behind that diagnosis we learned in medical school: pill esophagitis.
To reduce a subluxed radial head: hold the child's elbow at 90 degrees, supinate at the wrist, and flex at the elbow. If this is unsuccessful, try the hyperpronation technique. The Basics of Reducing Radial Head Subluxation (Nursemaid's Elbow)
While most patients presenting to the Emergency Department live in the immediate region surrounding the hospital, modern day travel allows patients to have recent exposures from the far reaches of the globe. One particular zoonotic infection, B Virus, carries a 70% mortality rate if not treated promptly. This post aims to introduce the B Virus and summarize the "need-to-know" as a practicing Emergency Physician:
B Virus:
As the treatment of malignancy evolves, the number patients who are receiving active chemotherapy presenting to the Emergency Department is increasing. Many of these patients present with respiratory chief complaints ranging from mild dyspnea to acute respiratory distress. This post aims to introduce chemotherapy-induced pulmonary toxicity and review those chemotherapuetic agents that commonly affect the lungs.
Does skin glue in addition to standard of care reduce failure rates of peripheral guided IV lines? Failure defined by infection, thrombosis, phlebitis, dislogement.
Diagnosis: Avulsion fracture of the fibular styloid process, compatible with an arcuate sign.
Fibular Styloid Fracture/Arcuate Sign:
Case: 24 year old male with no significant past medical history presents to local urgent care with chief complaint of left knee pain. Patient reports playing basketball just prior to arrival and reports landing on left knee and "jamming it."
Two methods of reducing subluxation of the radial head (Nursemaid's Elbow)
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