Heat Stroke
Althought it's starting to cool off in the Norhteast, heat stroke is a big deal in some places...Read on for some pearls to recognize and manage heat stroke.
Althought it's starting to cool off in the Norhteast, heat stroke is a big deal in some places...Read on for some pearls to recognize and manage heat stroke.
A 2-year old presents with a chief complaint of accidental mothball ingestion 2 days ago (as per his mother). He appears pale and has had a couple episodes of vomiting. He has a history of G6PD deficiency. What are your immediate concerns? (read more for the answer)
You scroll through the CT head of your cirrhotic trauma patient and note the pictured findings. He takes no blood thinners. His INR is 1.9 and platelets are 85. The neurosurgeon is recommending you “reverse his underlying coagulopathy.” Read ahead for tips for what to do next!
Your patient in an MVC has a displaced sternal fracture and you’re worried about their risk of underlying blunt cardiac injury. Read ahead for tips to not miss this important diagnosis!
Not quite seeing that crisp yolk sac on traditional trans-abdominal ultrasound imaging with the curvilinear probe? Click ahead for a cool trick to avoid breaking out the trans-vaginal probe!
A young female comes in with persistent unilateral clear nasal discharge 1 month after a fall, what’s the diagnosis?
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