Sunday Funday: Small Bowel Obstruction
Ultrasound cases from the Coop!
Ultrasound cases from the Coop!
A 55 yo M presents to the ED after being struck by a motor vehicle.
Case from Cooper by Dr. Sarab Sodhi
65 yo F w/ hx HTN, GERD, presents to the ED w/ non-exertional intermittent chest pain x4 days, dyspnea on exertion x2 days and nausea x1 day. Trying Prilosec and Tums. ECG below.
Pediatric rashes are tricky - this is certainly one you'll see! Here we review the diagnosis and treatment of a common disease.
PEA arrest - narrow vs wide
Interesting case of pericarditis w/ classic EKG findings...
60 yo w/ hx insulin dependent diabetes, HTN, HLD, presents to the ED complaining of double vision and drooping eyelid for 3 days. POC glucose 359. CTH w/o and CTA head negative. What's the likely diagnosis?
8 yo F presents to the ED c/o L hip pain.
Interesting case of acute generalized weakness in 35 yo male ...
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